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  • Where do I sign up for an account?
    We need a bit of info from you to set up a company account, please reach out to our team, thanks. You are also very welcome to leave your contact info in the Contact form and we'll get back to in a flash.
  • How do we get started with IDFree targeting?
    We've built as user-friendly as possible to support your work process from brief to activation. We've created a few support opportunities for your convenience: 1. Open a calendar and request a day and time for a demo of, or book directly from here. 2. Download an introduction pdf to get an overview. 3. Send us an email or fill out the Contact form and we'll get back to you asap.
  • How do I get news about
    Our monthly newsletter IDFree Insider is short 'n sweet and will keep you updated. You can follow us on our LinkedIn profile. Consider following our blog with a RSS subscription.
  • What kind of audience data is available?
    Have a look at our Audience Lists to find a growing list of country-based consumer data categories to combine to build your unique audience. We return a file with selected postal codes/Latitude-Longitude for you to instantly upload and activate. - With a company account on you can easily combine enriched consumer data from +300 categories by drag 'n drop. - You're then able to validate the audiences you build from keyword clouds and images as well as you can "slide" your reach up and down until it fits. - After you've uploaded the returned CSV file with selected postal codes/Latitude-Longitude data, you can login to your chosen publishers/platforms/channels directly from and immediately activate your audience(s). We're here to help with the audience data you're looking for - in a single market or cross-countries.
  • Do you have some partner testimonials?
    Have a look at our collection of Partner Insights and hear why our partners choose for themselves and/or their clients. Dig into why some of the world's most transparent and influential actors in adtech turn to for a sustainable alternative to cookie-based targeting.
About Us is a next-generation digital advertising platform built with ethical and privacy-compliant data sources. We empower marketers to reach their target audience without compromising user data security. We provide an arsenal of pre-built audience segments based on lifestyle behaviours, or you can work with us to create custom groups tailored to your specific campaign goals.

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